Even though our students attend a Prep to Year 12 setting, staff members actively recognise and plan for supportive student transitions between parts of the school and at each transition point.
Prior to prep, the school liaises with the local Lady Gowrie Barcaldine Early Years' service to plan for transitions into prep for all learners. Five transition sessions are offered to pre-prep children in term four of the year before they commence prep. These sessions are widely promoted and advertised within the town and welcome packs are prepared for each learner. The Early Years Services provide transition statements for each learner (following parent consent) to assist with smooth transitions.
For students moving between years 6 and 7, the school conducts a number of structured transition sessions, for students at Barcaldine as well as in the small surrounding feeder schools (Aramac, Jericho and St Josephs). Students access specialist lessons and prepare a welcome lunch for families as part of the transition program. Staff members provide opportunities for focused questions and follow up contact is initiated if required.
SET (Senior Education and Training) planning conversations occur at the end of semester one in Year 10 to prepare students for the senior phase. In term three of Year 10, a structured meeting occurs between the parent and student (either face to face or over the phone). The prerequisite subjects for each learner's pathway are discussed. A formal SET plan is developed in OneSchool for each learner.
At the end of term one in Year 11 all leaner's check-in with the HOD of Curriculum to check their subject choices and progress is meeting expectation.
Close and careful monitoring of students by the HOD of Curriculum occurs each semester as students' progress through the senior phase. Parent contact is made to ensure all parents aware of how their student is tracking towards QCE goals.
Post-secondary education, Barcaldine is very willing to provide referee statements to potential employers.