Barcaldine Prep - 12 State School uses multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) as the foundation for our integrated approach to learning and behaviour. MTSS is a preventative, differentiated model grounded in practical strategies, targeted planning and data-informed decision-making. Based on a problem-solving model, in MTSS school staff match increasingly intensive interventions to the identified needs of individual students. Staff at Barcaldine Prep - 12 State School consider students' individual circumstances, such as their behaviour history, disability, mental health and wellbeing, religious and cultural considerations, home environment and care arrangements when teaching expectations, responding to inappropriate behaviour or applying a disciplinary consequence. In considering the individual circumstances of each student, we recognise that the way we teach, the support we provide and the way we respond to students will differ. This reflects the principle of equality, where every student is given the support they need to be successful. This also means that not everyone will be treated the same, because treating everyone the same is not fair.
To learn more about the multi-tiered systems of support and behaviour management at Barcaldine Prep - 12 State School, view the following documents: